Course Content 69 Videos,
Subect Expert 2 Videos,
1.Vikram Sir Faculty Introduction
2.Manu Sir Faculty Introduction
Stoichimetry 10 Videos,
1.L-1 Mole concept and Laws of Chemical Combination P1
2.L-2 Mole concept and Laws of Chemical Combination P2
3.L-3 Atomic mass unit, molar mass, avg molar mass, Molar volume, Vapour density, Emperical & Molecular formula P1
4.L-4 Atomic mass unit, molar mass, avg molar mass, Molar volume, Vapour density, Emperical & Molecular formula P2
5.L-5 Stoichiometric calculations, w/W, w/V, v/V, Percentage yield P1
6.L-6 Stoichiometric calculations, w/W, w/V, v/V, Percentage yield P2
7.L-7 Percentage purity, Succesive reactions, Limiting reagent
8.L-8 Eudiometry
9.L-9 Methods of expressing concnetration of a solution - % by weight, Molarity, Molality, Mole fraction, ppm, % labelling of oleum (Exclude Normality, volume strength of H2O2)
10.L-10 Problems on concentration units
Redox Reaction 5 Videos,
1.L-1 Introduction to Oxidation and Reduction
2.L-2 Oxidation numbers
3.L-3 Oxidation No. in covalent/coordinate compounds
4.L-4 Types of Redox
5.L-5 Balancing redox reactions
Atomic Structure 11 Videos,
1.L-1 Cathode rays , Anode Rays & Millikan's Exp.
2.L-2 Thomson /Rutherford's atomic model and Basic Tools
3.L-3 Planck's theory , Photo-electric /Blackbody radiation
4.L-4 Bohr's atomic model
5.L-5 Hydrogen spectrum
6.L-6 De-Broglie Equation, Heisenberg's Uncertainty principle
7.L-7 Schrodinger's wave eq. & Quantum numbers part 1
8.L-8 Schrodinger's wave eq. & Quantum numbers part 2
9.L-9 Radial probability curves
10.L-10 Electronic configuration
11.L-11 Practice problem on Atomic structure
Liquid Solutions 6 Videos,
1.L-1 Solutions and Solubility of Solid in Liquid
2.L-2 Solubility of Gas in Liquid, Henry's Law
3.L-3 Solubility of S/L , L/L , Raoult's Law and Vapour Pressure
4.L-4 Ideal & non ideal solutions, Azeotropes and Fractional Distillation
5.L-5 Colligative properties
6.L-6 Practice Problems
Classification of Elements and Periodicity in Properties 6 Videos,
1.L-1 Modern periodic law and present form of the periodic table, s, p, d and f block elements
2.L-2 Shielding effect (Exclude: Slaters rules), Variation of effective Nuclear charge in period and group
3.L-3 Periodic trends in properties of elements atomic size ionic size
4.L-4 iIonization enthalpy, electron gain enthalpy
5.L-5 Periodic trends in properties of elements electronegativity,Acidic, basic neutral oxide, valence oxidation states
6.L-6 Practice problem on Periodic Properties
Electrochemistry 9 Videos,
1.L-1 Electrochemical cells, electrode potentials
2.L-2 Galvanic Cell, Nernst equation, Latimer Diagram
3.L-3 emf of galvanic cell;concentration cells
4.L-4 Electrolytic cell - Electrolysis of different solutions
5.L-5 Faraday's laws - Calculations
6.L-6 Conductance, specific, equivalent and molar conductivity
7.L-7 Kohlrausch’s law and it's Application
8.L-8 Conductometric Titration Graphs
9.L-9 Batteries and Corrosion
Chemical Kinetics 8 Videos,
1.L-1 Types of Rate of Reaction
2.L-2 Rate Law, Order, Molecularity and Mechanism
3.L-3 Mechanism of Reactions
4.L-4 Integrated Rate Laws and Half Life of 32actions
5.L-5 Applications of first order kinetics
6.L-6 Inversion of Surface Methods to Determine Order of Reaction
7.L-7 Collision Theory, Arhenius equation effect of catalyst on rate of reaction
8.L-8 Second order and nth order kinetics, parallel first order reaction (Exclude:Steady state approximation, sequential, opposing reactions)
Chemical Bonding 12 Videos,
1.L-1 General introduction of chemical bond and chemical bonding
2.L-2 Lattice Enthalpy and Introducation to Covalent Bond
3.L-3 Octet Rule, Co-ordinate Bond, Formal Charge
4.L-4 Valence Bond Theory (VBT), VSEPR
5.L-5 Hydridisation
6.L-6 Backbonding and it's application ( Bond angle Variation)
7.L-7 Fajan's Rule for Covalent Character
8.L-8 Dipole Moment (u) and its Application
9.L-9 Resonance and its Application
10.L-10 Molecular Orbital Theory
11.L-11 Metallic bonding, Vander wall forces
12.L-12 Hydrogen bonding , Practice Session