9.L-9 Methods of expressing concnetration of a solution - % by weight, Molarity, Molality, Mole fraction, ppm, % labelling of oleum (Exclude Normality, volume strength of H2O2)
10.L-10 Problems on concentration units
Redox Reaction 5 Videos,
1.L-1 Introduction to Oxidation and Reduction
2.L-2 Oxidation numbers
3.L-3 Oxidation No. in covalent/coordinate compounds
4.L-4 Types of Redox
5.L-5 Balancing redox reactions
Atomic Structure 11 Videos,
1.L-1 Cathode rays , Anode Rays & Millikan's Exp.
2.L-2 Thomson /Rutherford's atomic model and Basic Tools
3.L-3 Planck's theory , Photo-electric /Blackbody radiation