Course Content 44 Videos,
Subect Expert 1 Videos,
1.Rahul Sir Faculty Introduction
Vectors 4 Videos,
1.L-1 Basics of Vectors, Vector addition
2.L-2 Practice on above concepts
3.L-3 Scalar product of 2 vectors
4.L-4 Vector product of 2 vectors
Basic Mathematics 5 Videos,
1.L-1 Elementary basic mathematics
2.L-2 Basics of Differentiation
3.L-3 Maxima and Minima, practice
4.L-4 Basics of integration and area under the curve
5.L-5 Miscellaneous practice on basic maths
Electrostatics 19 Videos,
1.L-1 Coulomb's law and illustrations
2.L-2 Electric field due to point charge, Graphs
3.L-3 Electric field due to Line charge
4.L-4 Electric field due to Ring and Disc charges
5.L-5 Field due to Large Sheet, Sphere, shell, cavity in sphere
6.L-6 Field due to non uniform distribution, Dipole
7.L-7 Miscellaneous practice on lec 1 to 6
8.L-8 Electric Field Lines, Flux of Electric Field
9.L-9 Solid angle, Flux of Electric Field
10.L-10 Gauss Law
11.L-11 Applications of Gauss Law
12.L-12 Practice on Gauss Law
13.L-13 Electric potential, relation between PE and Force
14.L-14 Results of potential due to charge distributions
15.L-15 Properties of conductor
16.L-16 Charge distribution on parallel conducting plates
17.L-17 Charge distribution of concentric conducting shells
18.L-18 Electrostatic Pressure, Self energy and Energy density
19.L-19 Electrostatic Practice
Units & Dimensions 6 Videos,
1.L-1 Physics, Technology and society Fundamental & derived physical quantities, Definition of units, System of units and conversion of units, Dimensional formula and dimensions.
2.l-2 Dimensional analysis and its applications in checking the correctness of the formula, limitation of dimensional analysis. Expression of some physical quantities considering some other quantities as fundamental quantities.
3.L-3 Measurement, accuracy and precision, error in measurement, Errors, systematic and random error, least count error, mean error, absolute error, fractional error and percentage error
4.L-4 Combination of Errors
5.L-5 Errors in instrument, zero error. Vernier Callipers: concept, zero error, internal ext diameter
6.L-6 Screw Gauge and Backlash error
Kinematics 9 Videos,
1.L-1 Concept of rest and motion, understanding of object and observer (frame of reference), position vector, Cartesian coordinate system, Kinematical variables Distance, displacement, speed, velocity, concepts of average and instantaneous rate of change of physical quantities P1
2.L-2 Concept of rest and motion, understanding of object and observer (frame of reference), position vector, Cartesian coordinate system, Kinematical variables Distance, displacement, speed, velocity, concepts of average and instantaneous rate of change of physical quantities P2
3.L-3 Practice of concepts of last lecture, average and instantaneous acceleration.
4.L-4 Understanding 1-D motion, Derivation of equations of motion for 1-d motion, Graphical representation of 1-D motion, distance time graph, displacement time graph. P1
5.L-5 Understanding 1-D motion, Derivation of equations of motion for 1-d motion, Graphical representation of 1-D motion, distance time graph, displacement time graph. P2
6.L-6 Understanding 1-D motion, Derivation of equations of motion for 1-d motion, Graphical representation of 1-D motion, distance time graph, displacement time graph. P3
7.L-7 Understanding 1-D motion, Derivation of equations of motion for 1-d motion, Graphical representation of 1-D motion, distance time graph, displacement time graph. P4
8.L-8 v-t graph, a-t graph, a-s graph
9.L-9 Concept of interchange of graphs displacement-time to velocity-time to acceleration time, acceleration time to velocity time to displacement time etc.